Gigi Stetler

Author Ft Lauderdale, FL United States

About Gigi Stetler

Gigi Stetler is an accomplished business woman, entrepreneur, author and equestrian, who has overcome many obstacles on her journey to success, and proven herself unstoppable. ...

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UNSTOPPABLE! SURVIVING IS JUST THE BEGINNING Just a brief Google search solidifies that Gigi Stetler is unstoppable: a fearless CEO that was stabbed and left for dead early in her career; an accomplished Florida businesswoman, entrepreneur and single mother who battled her way to the top of the male-dominated RV (recreational vehicle) sales industry. But what is the story behind this amazing woman and what advice does she have for women in business today? The powerhouse succinctly summarizes the problem with women in business: Women are now leading and hold somewhat good paying jobs in major corporations but we are not owning enough businesses. Women owned businesses are actually declining; we are less likely to take risks and no risks yields no rewards. The only way to decrease the gender pay gap is by more women owned businesses. In addition to being adverse to risk taking, many women opt to work for someone to avoid the pressures of ownership, Gigi Stetler explains. For instance, the RV industry is highly stressful because it involves discretionary income for luxury items. In my line of work, you can’t be emotional and some people can’t handle the pressure unless they work for someone else. Gigi StetlerHer book, Unstoppable! Surviving is Just the Beginning, mentioned that women can succeed in any industry regardless of gender boundaries. When she first stepped into RV sales in the 1980s, Ms. Stetler encountered a bunch of older, fat-cat, cigar-smoking, scotch-drinking good ol’ boys who were not open to her fresh ideas. When she, for instance, suggested changing the hours of operation to better accommodate customers, the men in charge told her to go home and bake cookies. She laughed at this and told me she decided to go to work and pay someone else to make the cookies. 35 years later, rapper T.I. was quoted as saying that he would never vote for the leader of the free world be a woman because women make rash decisions emotionally — they make very permanent, cemented decisions — and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen or they didn’t mean for it to happen. What did Ms. Stetler think about that? The type of woman that is running for this office is about 1% of all women and operates very differently from the average woman. The majority that run for political office are not running by emotions so that’s a very unfair statement–you have to compare apples to apples. Sidebar: She wouldn’t have been offended by Donald Trump’s remarks about Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly; she would have used the same language and given it back to him. Actually, that was one of the first tips she shared for women in business as well as in their personal life–don’t take it personal. Don’t take anything personally–it is all business even if they hit below the belt. For women that struggle with this, pretend that you are an actress in a movie and whatever is being done is not happening to you but your movie character. The minute you take it personally you’re done; that is when the emotions take over. Isn’t that forcing Gigi Stetler woman to be or act like a man? Absolutely not; a woman still has to stay in touch w/her feminine side but know how to address a man professionally on the business side. You might be surprised to learn that Gigi wears her stilettos and mini skirts on the RV lot everyday; no one is taking her femininity away from her. Ms. Stetler reciprocates; she does not try to emasculate her male counterparts or play the feminine card. As a single woman, if she asks a man out on a date, she pays and vice versa. You might be surprised to learn that the Unstoppable author does not consider herself a feminist despite her record breaking success. Just look up the definition of feminist: it’s one of controversy and needing to prove that you are a woman; it’s a stereotyped word. You are trying to defend yourself and there’s no fight; handle your business and handle it right without trying to prove you are a man or feminist. Otherwise, you’ve wasted too much time in proving and have lost credibility; you could have done it already. Sound advice from a woman who rose to the top of a male dominated industry in five years versus the typical 12. So how did Gigi Stetler achieve such success and what was her drive? For those answers and more, I highly recommend that you purchase your copy of Unstoppable! Surviving is Just the Beginning. The author promises that, if you think you have had a bad day, read the book; you’ll never ever complain again. From crime, violence and neglect to poverty, Unstoppable details a challenging life full of upheavals and emotions. Ms. Stetler’s refusal to give up is truly a testament that even challenges that would have stopped most in their tracks can be transformed into miracles and happy endings. As Ms. Stetler would say, the measurement of success isn’t when you’re going to fail; it’s how fast you’re going to get up and start over. If you don’t achieve it when you said you would, move it to the next year. Don’t lower your goal and don’t give yourself the option to settle–too many people do and that’s why they fail. Source: Alesha Brown, The Joy Guru

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